Why Scholar Plan?
International students are required to have health coverage in the US. However, most school-sponsored insurance plans are not designed for international students and are very expensive.
Simpler Health works with major insurance providers and US schools to customize health insurance for international students with a much lower cost.
Your Plan
The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay. Deductibles may not apply to all services.
The most you have to pay for covered services. After you spend this amount on deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance, your health plan pays 100% of the costs of covered benefits.
Out-of-pocket Maximum
The percentage of costs of a covered health care service the insurance company pays after you’ve paid your deductible.
You’ll usually pay a fixed amount of money for each covered doctor visit or prescription.
How can I enroll?
Enroll online
Simply click "Enroll Now" and follow the instruction to fill up the information. Our agents will reach out to you through email if we need additional information or if your application is approved.
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What our clients are saying
Leah Yurfset
Simpler Health not only helped me find the right Essential Plan, they also helped me when I needed to find doctors and connected me with the right people. It saved me almost $4000 from my school insurance and I am so glad that I found the team.
Roy Gold
I had my Essential Plan with other agency before and they vanished after I enrolled the plan. I switched to Simpler Health and the agents helped me all the way from waiving my school insurance to finding a doctor. I saw true service and care for the customers from Simpler Health.
Nela Yliuay
Agents from Simpler Health went over different terms and concepts of the healthcare system in the US with great patience and professionalism. They taught me how to make use of my member benefits and I am never afraid of getting sick.